Could we have, by any chance, created our own universe? (Is God born yet?)

As crazy as the title suggests, I have had this crazy idea that may very well be unrealistic and untrue, yet I want to share it with you. As crazy as this idea is, there's still some logic in it, and a lot of faith in the potential of us, humans.

I believe so much in science, in reason and logic, and I believe that we are sailing in an endless sea of knowledge, and maybe at one point, we will be knowledgeable of more than what we ever imagined. If you go back in time 500 years and try to convince someone that we will invent something like the telephone, the television or the internet, they will most probably consider you crazy, maybe the craziest of all! We had big scientific advancements since these 500 years, and according to the observation of the development of science and the way the universe works, we will not run out of scientific breakthroughs.

I believe that everything can ultimately be interrupted by science, everything is basically science. emotions, actions, even believes and our perception of reality, our feeling of existence, are all chemicals going through our veins and changing our feelings, are all electric signals going through our mind and our nerves and changing our perception of reality.

I want to emphasize on the science and the knowledge part, that everything is ultimately science. I see that there's no contradiction between the belief of whether god exists or not and the believe in science. If you believe in god, then you probably believe that this entity called god has infinite knowledge and wisdom, with which he created this universe and everything in it. I would love to call this knowledge science, god created our universe using science, a more advanced version of science than we have now, but basically it's still science. If you don't believe in god, then you should be believing in science in someway or another. After all, the big bang and all the sequence of events that later led to evolution is all science.

If you believe in prophets and miracles, and you think that these miracles will contradict with your believe in reason, logic and science. then you may want to see these miracles as some kind of science which these prophets had ahead of time. If you don't believe in prophets and miracles, then we don't know if these things happened anyway!

So everything is basically science, the creation of our universe, whether by a god or without a god, is science, the creation of ourselves is science, whether it's by some god's hands or by natural evolution through years.

So we presumably agree now that everything is science, and science keeps getting deeper and deeper, we don't know any limits of science. Everytime we think that we reached the limit of a particular science or research area we later find out that we were mistaken, maybe there's just no limit and over years, new horizons in science will appear and old impossibilities will be refuted.

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